Migration from 12 to version 13

A migration to RapidClipse version 13 consists of two steps. The first is to run the automatic migration within the IDE and the second is to check each item below to see if everything is ready for version 13. Please always make sure you have a backup, such as your GIT or another solution.

Step 1 - Preparation:

  1. Download the latest RapidClipse IDE and extract it to a folder of your choice.

  2. Create a new workspace.

  3. Import your project into this workspace and create a new branch to perform the migration.

  4. Check all basic configurations within the new IDE, some examples below:

    1. JDK versions of your IDE

    2. Export/import your database connections from your old IDE to the new one.

    3. Copy your code formatter settings

    4. Install all of your previous plugins such as JRebel.

    5. Install a suitable application server such as Tomcat 10.1.

  5. Make sure there are no compiler errors in your project.

Step 2 - Automatic migration:

  1. There are two different steps that has to be done for the automatic part of the migration. Both popups should appear after importing an old project or when you bind an old workspace.

    1. Update workspace

    2. Update RapidClipse Framework

  2. You should first run the "Update Workspace" without closing the "Update RapidClipse Framework"

  3. After the workspace has been updated you can directly start "Update RapidClipse Framework"

  4. In case you missed the two popups you can start both procedures as follows:

    1. Right click Projekt → RapidClipse → Update Project

    2. Menubar - Help → Check for Framework Updates

  5. You will see following changes after migration

    1. POM.xml should be updated

      1. rap-server-core updated to version 13.0.0 or 13.0.0-SNAPSHOT

      2. jakarta.servlet API updated to version 6.0.0

      3. vaadin-maven-plugin updated to version 24.3.6

      4. jetty plugin updated to version 12.0.5

  6. It is also possible that some compiler errors may occur after migration. See "Manual migration" for further details.

Step 3 - Manual migration :

Please note that we never change your Java code after or during a migration. This is the reason why manual steps are always required to successfully update a project.

  1. Due to the fact that iron icons has been removed from Vaadin 24 this could be a reason for compiler errors after the update. The following steps will help to fix this:

    1. Open the java version of the UI and remove the "import com.flowingcode.vaadin.addons.ironicons.IronIcons;" import manually.

    2. Switch to UI Builder view and set a new "Fontawesome" icon

    3. Save both files

  2. In some rare cases it might help to just open the UI file and save it directly. The Java code will then be rebuild correctly. This could happen for example:

    1. NumberField#setHasControls(true);

  3. Change the import in the class "AppServlet" from "import javax.servlet.annotation.WebServlet" to "import jakarta.servlet.annotation.WebServlet"

  4. Find all classes that contain "javax.validation" and change it to "import jakarta.validation.[…​]"

Step 4 - Additional hints and informations :

  1. See further links for more detailed informations of the migration

  2. If there are some bigger issues during migration contact us here