Name - The variable name with which the component will be named in the Java code.
Id - The id with which the element can be found again in Java, JavaScript and Css code.
Visible - if deselected, the component, as well as all its child components, will not be displayed.
Enabled - If deselected, the component can no longer be interacted with.
Action - A class that inherits from com.rapidclipse.framework.server.ui.action.Action.Abstract can be selected here. The execute method of it will be executed when a click event is fired at the component
BoxSizing - Changes how the size of the contents of a layout is calculated.
DefaultVerticalComponentAlignment - Changes how the child component is vertically aligned in a layout.
DefaultHorizontalComponentAlignment - Changes how the child component is aligned horizontally in a layout.
JustifyContentMode - Changes how the child components arrange themselves among themselves.
Margin - Inserts a distance around the component
Padding - Inserts a space between the component and its child component.
Shortcut - Fires an onClick event for this component when the specified key combination is pressed.
Spacing - Inserts a spacing between the child components.
Autoselect - Indicates whether a tab is selected after loading the tabs component.
Orientation - Specifies the direction in which the tabs of a tabs component should be arranged.
SelectedIndex - Specifies which child component is selected when loading (-1 to not select a tab).
FlexGrow - Specifies the weight of a tab component component.
Opened - Specifies whether the component should already be open after loading.
Error - Specifies whether the error text should be displayed by the LoginForm component immediately after loading.
ForgotPasswordButton - Display the "Forgot Password" button of a LoginForm component.
Text - Automatically fills a component with a text element, (if the component is a div, for example) and adds the specified text.
WrapMode - Specifies how the child component should wrap after reaching the end of the component.
ResponsiveSteps - Opens a dialog that allows you to specify how many FormItems are arranged side by side in a FormLayout, at a specified FormLayout width.
ColumnSpan - Specifies how many columns a field should span.
TabIndex - the order in which the component should be focused after pressing Tab. -1 means that the component will be ignored and never focused by Tab. 0 means that the order was not specified and thus it will be added automatically for the component.
Autofocus - Specifies whether the component should be focused immediately after loading.
DisableOnClick - disables the component after it is clicked on
Icon - icon or image displayed next to the text content of a component.
IconAfterText - Show the icon (if defined) after the text, instead of before it.
Href - Sets the target of an HTML anchor. Can also contain a URL to an external web page.
Target - This can be used to specify in which context the page should be opened e.g. _blank, _parent or _top.
NavigationTarget - The view to which the RouterLink should navigate to.
RequiredIndicatorVisible - Specifies whether the RequiredIndicator should be displayed in the component’s label.
CaseSensitive - Specifies whether the search should be case sensitive.
FilterPropertiesConnector - Specifies how the individual filters are combined. AND → Only results matching all filters are displayed, OR → All results matching one of the filters are displayed.
ReadOnly - The set value of the component cannot be changed by the user.
SearchText - The text that is in the search field.
Wildcard - the character that serves as a placeholder for each character
Type Arguments - the type that the component should use
Bindings - fields to be displayed in a form layout and what properties they have.
Required - Indicates to the user that the field must be filled in.
Autocapitalize - Specifies whether e.g. the shift key should be activated automatically on cell phones etc.
Autocomplete - Passes on to the browser which type of autocomplete it should use for this field.
Autocorrect - Passes on to the browser / mobile whether autocorrections should be displayed for this field.
ClearButtonVisible - If enabled, a clear button will be displayed, allowing the user to clear the contents of the field.
ErrorMessage - The error message to be displayed when field becomes invalid.
Invalid - Sets the field to invalid
Label - Small description field displayed above the input field.
MaxLength - The maximum number of characters that can be specified. 0 → Infinite
MinLength - The maximum number of characters that can be specified.
Pattern - regex which indicates whether the content of a field is valid
Placeholder - text which will be displayed in the field if it is empty.
PreventInvalidInput - If active, no invalid characters can be entered.
Title - tooltip which is displayed when the user hovers the mouse over the component.
Value - content of a user input element
ValueChangeMode - Specifies when the ValueChanged event should be fired.
ValueChangeTimeout - The time in milliseconds to wait before firing a ValueChanged event if TIMEOUT was selected for ValueChangeMode.
RevealButtonVisible - Specifies whether the RevealButton, which makes the password visible in the password field, should be displayed.
Max - The largest possible number that can be entered in a number field. 0 → no Max
Mix - The smallest possible number that can be entered in a number field. 0 → no min
Step - The number to be added / subtracted from the entered number.
Indeterminate - Specifies whether the field should start with a neutral position means that it has no default value.
Vertical - Specifies whether the child component should be displayed vertically.
AllowCustomValue - Specifies whether user inputs should also be accepted, or whether only the predefined inputs can be used.
PageSize - number of items that can be displayed in a component at once.
EmtpySelectionAllowed - Specifies whether an empty input is also accepted.
EmptySelectionCaption - text that will be displayed for an empty input if no placeholder is set.
Initial Position - The default value that is set if nothing has been specified yet.
Locale - The language to be used for the input display.
WeekNumbersVisible - Specifies whether the week number should be displayed as well.
AutoUpload - Specifies whether the selected file should be uploaded immediately.
DropAllowed - Specifies whether you can also add files by drag and drop.
DropLabel - message to be displayed when a file is added by drag and drop.
DropLabelIcon - icon to be displayed when a file is added by drag and drop.
MaxFiles - Maximum number of files that can be selected.
MaxFileSize - Maximum size of the file to be uploaded.
ColumnReorderingAllowed - Allows the user to rearrange the columns by drag and drop
DetailsVisibleOnClick - If activated, details can be shown/hidden by clicking on the line.
DropMode - can be used to change the drag and drop logic
HeightByRows - the height is determined by the number of rows
MultiSort - Allow multiple client-side sorting of columns
RowsDraggable - Allows the user to drag and drop columns to lift them up
SelectionMode - Specifies whether one or more (or none) can be selected at the same time.
VerticalScrollingEnabled - Specifies whether the user is allowed to scroll up and down in the grid.
Alt - alternative text displayed when the component could not be loaded.
Src - path to the resource to be displayed
Embed in Composite - Wraps the component in a wrapper, thus the component specific method calls can be nested in another layer deeper.